lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

week 13, October 25th

Days of the weekand numbers from 11-20 

Teachers: Gisselt, Cristela, Monica

Vocabulary:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , Friday, Saturday, numbers 11-20

Grammar:What day is today? What is your favorite day?

Review:T h e n u m b e r s , t h e a lp h a b e t (H o w d o y o u spell Sunday?), the colors (red, blue, yellow,green, pink, orange, brown, white, black) Prepositions (Monday is between sunday and



Objective of the lesson:
   By the end of the lesson,  SWBAT produce and identify the days  of the week, and the numbers from eleven to twenty in a calendar or planner and also in isolation through many activities like: spinning wheel, matching, modeling clay, answering questions and guided games, by the end of a ninety-minute lesson.. 

10 minutes

Warm up

Have Ss sing the “how are you today?” song to start the class.
On the wall, there will be three vertical strips. Ss will see three posters in which adjectives, such as happy, sad, hungry, are inside. The whole class will be in line and run toward each poster every time the word is heard. (Twice)
Let’s have a review of the previous topic. Have Ss make two line, one in front of the other. A colored box will be in the middle of them and on the stage. Encourage Ss to play the “spinning wheel”. The spinning wheel has four sections: alphabet, family, colors, and numbers. Teacher will spin the wheel and ask a question corresponding to the category to be answered by one of them. The first student that picks the box up will have the opportunity to answer. After this, each S will go back of the line.  If the category is color, what color is it? It’s black; if the category is number, what number is it? It is 11; if the category is family, who is he/she? It’s my mother/father…; If the category is spelling, how do you spell mother, and so on.
Aim of the activity: to demonstrate how much they have learnt from the previous classes by reviewing the target language and vocabulary through playing “spinning wheel” game.
Type of learner: auditoryvisual, kinesthetic.
Interaction: teacher-student
 Materials: posters, spinning wheel
Responsible: Mónica Ponce

10 minutes
Invite Ss to sit on the floor. T presents a weekly planner that has images of activities we can do weekly. The weekly planner will be pasted on the wall (in front of the windows; and next to this, the numbers from 11-17). Invite volunteers to select one number (or color) to be discovered by the T and inside the paper is the day of the week (7 days of the weeks). T reads the word and says the day of the week two or three times. Encourage Ss to repeat the word. Ask them: What does the word Monday start with?  Elicit their answers. Then, invite Ss to produce the sound /m/. T does the same with the rest of the days.
Then, have student spell the day; each time they say one letter they have to give a clap. Next, invite Ss to count the letter from each day and teacher will paste each of them in the correct position. Finally, ask Ss to repeat the days of week by singing: “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, What day is today, what day is today? Friday, Friday” Ask them, What day is today? T waits for the answer “Friday”.
Aim of the activity:  to encounter the target vocabulary by focusing on the pronunciation of the sounds: /m, t, w, f, s/.
Type of learner: visual, kinesthetic, auditory.
Interaction: teacher-student, student-student
 Materials: a Weekly Planner, sheets of paper
Responsible: Mónica Ponce

15 minutes

15 minutes

5 minutes



Greet the students. Then, Present them the calendar that will be replicated on the board; however, the words of the days will be missing. Next, students will be asked what the first day of the week is. Each day will be represented with a different color. If they do not know, the teacher will help them with the first day of the week. Once the day is mentioned, it will be pasted on the calendar by the teacher; after that, every day that is mentioned by the Sts will be pasted on the calendar with the help of the teacher. Afterward, the teacher will make students practice the days of the week pronunciation, the colors and the numbers of the calendar emphasizing the numbers from 11 to 20. Finally, the students will be given some pieces of paper of different colors and the students will have to look for the days which represent those colors and paste them on those days (that is on the calendar which will be on the board).      
Aim of the activity: to recognize the days of the week combined with the numbers from 11 to 20 using the calendar.
Type of learner: visual.
Interaction: teacher-students
 Materials: board decorated as a calendar
Responsible: Gisselt Romero

Kids will be taught how to create a train. First, kids will be showed a train already done for them to visualize what they are expected to do. Then, they will be given the materials. The wagons will not have the days of the week because the kids should paste the days of the week on the wagon that they prefer. Next, kids will be given some wool to join the wagons of the train in the correct order according to the days of the week. This activity will be done individually.
Aim of the activity: to create a visual aid that will help them remember the target vocabulary at home.
Type of learner: tactile
Interaction: teacher-students, students-students
 Materials: all the parts of the train in cardboard, wool, scotch tape, glue and the words of the week.
Responsible: Gisselt Romero

The class will be divided into two groups. These two groups will form two lines. Then, seven boxes with the days of the week in different colors will be placed in front of the lines. The students at the top of the lines will be given some paper balls. Subsequently, the teacher will say one day, and the students have to throw the ball in the corresponding box. The ones who have already participated should go at the back of the lines to wait for a new chance to participate if the time allows it.
Aim of the activity: to practice the acquisition of the target vocabulary in pronunciation to then connect it to its written form.
Type of learner: kinesthetic
Interaction: teacher-students
 Materials: boxes with the days of the week on them, and balls of papers.
Responsible: Gisselt Romero

15 minutes
The teacher will greet the kids, and asks “how are you today”, and also what day is today? Then, on the wall the teacher is going to have some cards with some of the days of the week, but not all of them. For example, Monday ……  Wednesday…….Friday.. Sunday. One student will be asked to pass to the front to paste the days that are missing according to the correct sequence. Then, When the first kid fills with the correct days, the teacher should ask “how many days do you have? What colors do they have? How do you spell them? Furthermore, next to the days of the week, there will be some cards with the numbers from 11-20   because the teacher will say for example; Sunday has the same color than the numbers fifteen and sixteen. Once the students get the gist of the activity, the teacher will ask for example: what numbers have the same colors than Sunday. After the first kid has done all this process, he will come back to his seat and the teacher will ask everyone to close their eyes while she removes other days of the week, then, another student should pass to do the whole process again, and if the student is not able to do it alone, he will receive the teacher’s help and also his classmates’ help.

Aim of the activity: To have students remember the days of the week in isolation without the neighboring days.
Type of learner: visual
Interaction: teacher-student, student-student
Materials: cards of different colors with the letter s of the days of the week and the numbers from 11 to twenty, all pasted on the wall.
Responsible: Cristela Navarro

15 minutes
The kids will be presented with some pieces of paper containing the days of the week. They have to fill with clay the word that the teacher says. For example, the teacher says paint Sunday with orange; students have to paint it with that color. Then. The teacher will say another color for another day and the students have to look for the word to fill it with the day that the teacher said. Finally, kids should arrange them in the correct order. Next the teacher, will ask Wednesday is between?

Aim of the activity: to make a final review of the target vocabulary to see if the main objective was achieved.
Type of learner: tactile
Interaction: teacher-student, student-student
Materials: pieces of paper, different colors of clay
Responsible: Cristela Navarro

5 minutes

The kids will be standing up in order to sing and mimic the goodbye song together with the teachers. This will be done three or four times depending on the kids’ need.
Aim of the activity: to recognize that it is time to say good bye.
Type of learner: Auditory
Interaction: teacher-student
Materials: nothing
Mónica Ponce
Gisselt Romero
Cristela Rubio
Assignments and announcements

Materials using during the class: 

The class started with the Monica's warm up, it was the song How are you today? She presented a different strategy how to do the warm up, she presented  three different posters in each of the posters hd the faces according to the song: happy, sad and Hungry,so kids were very happy doing that  warm up beacause  they had to move every time that they listened the words.

I consider that it was a great way how to do the warm up in order to know how much  the kids  have learnt from the previous classes by reviewing the song's vocabulary through playing. Then, monica continued with her presentation class in which she used the Spinning wheel in order to teach the family members, the numbers and colors.The kids were very exicited with the activity. 

According to Vygotsky, "the most effective

 learning happens when the new skills and

 concepts being taught are just on the edge of

 emergence—in the Zone of Proximal

 Development. When this happens, the child does

 not simply acquire new knowledge but actually

 makes progress in his or her development" The kids were familiar with the topic, they had abackground knowledge, it was great to see how they know more and more in each class, they really show more progress in the class, they really want to participate even though you don't ask about volunteers they raise their hands and say that they want to participate, they are not shy anymore even the once who did not participate at the beginning like Jonathan who is my case of study, he really participates and answers in the correct way.  

Monica was very confident when she developed the class, everything was great. Moreover, when she started to presenting the numbers from 11- 17 and then, presenting the days of the week was great because Not only kids put in practice the numbers, colors, the correct  sequence of the days of the week but also the correct pronunciation 

of the words.


Gisselt started with a little warm up in which she used two faces in order to show the feelings happy and sad. Then, she started to present the calendar 

According to Vygotsky theory ( Cultural-

Historical theory),

 is the idea that child development is the result of

 interactions between children and their social 

environment. These interactions involve people

—parents and teachers, playmates and 

schoolmates, brothers and sisters.

In the case of Gisselt, she used the calendar in

 order to have interaction between students and

 teacher  for learning the correct sequence of the

 days of the week, the numbers and colors with

 this activity kids were able to interact with the

 other kids by listening and observing what the

 other kids did. As a result, kids learnt by the 

interection that they had in their enviroment, in

 this case by observing and developing what the

 teacher did in the class with the purspose that

 students learnt the days of the week, numbers

 and colors.

One of the activities that kids develop with

 Gisselt was in which they had to paste the days


the week in a tain with the purposes of learning

 the days of the week and their correct sequense.

 I consider that it was a meanful activity in


 students could work and put in practice what 


 teacher explained before. 

Finally, It was my turne Cristela.
Well, it was a difficult experience for me because the time was not respected  and that's made feel worry about how I was going to develop my activity, and I consider that this made feel unconfident when I developed my activities because It were 10 minutes less out my time, I felt very bad. However, after analized I can see some good aspects of my practice as a teacher that make me feel better.

The first activity was in which kids  had some of the days of the week with some missing days with the purpose of  kids put in the missing spaces the correct days of the week. For example, Monday---- Wednesday------Thursday----Saturday, Sunday. So what they should do was to put the missing days  in the correct space. The purposes of this activity were that kids learnt the days of the week in the correct order, the colors,spelling, and numbers from 11-20.
They were able to do the activity, they were able to put the days of the week in the correct order, they learnt the colors, they spelled some of the days of the week, and they learnt the numbers

The final activity was in which the kids had to use the clay in order to paint inside of the letters of the days of the week using different colors.

I think that the activity was great because the clay is a good tool for teaching, all the kids love to play with clay. Therefore, when the kids saw the clay, they were very happy to develop the activity. However, they didn't have much time to develop the activity.

My case of Study.

I could observed how Jonathan participated in all the activities.

I consider that this topic was difficult to teach 

because It was knew, and kids only had a

 prior knowledg. However, kids were able to

 learnt by the strategies that we used in order to

 teach the kids. Even though this topic was knew. In addition, 

 in each activity Jonathan was able to participate by himself, he raised his hand in order to participate and that it is something that he did not do before, he really has been improving a lot

 because According to Vygostky kids learn by the

 enviroment and teachers need to create a social

 base in order to help them in the cognitive

 development. I consider that Gisselt, Monica 

and I tried to help kids by giving them examples 

about how they should do the activities. I

 consider that these examples helped to 

Jonathan to do the activities.

I feel happy to see the progress of Jonathan.

1 comentario:

  1. You are right Cristela, Jonathan has improved the same as most of the students in this group. Regarding your inconveniences; all I can tell you is that inconveniences happen all the time, all you have to do is to find an idea of emergency to solve the situation right in the moment, but never give up, even when it seems as if everything is against you, just keep trying.

    I can tell you that experience wasn't and won't be taught in any course, it emerges from the most difficult moments that every teacher faces in the classroom.

    Good luck in your future lessons.
