lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Class number 3

My family

During the third class kids  show more friendship with the other kids. In each class they know more and they reviwed the topics studied before.  

In this class the teachers were Ingrid and Abigail!!

First, Abigail and Ingrid  song the song with the kids and most of them know the lyric of the song because they have been singing in the classes before.

Then, Abigail, started to teach the family members in a power presentation. Students had a knowdleg about the topic and they participate in the activity by identifying the members of the family and taking into account the numbers in which they were.

Then was the  turn of Ingrid. The kids work as a group on the floor by matching some words with some pictures.
Next,  kids had to create some family members using some sticks that she gave them. It was interesting how the kids designed the family members. Howerever, some of the kids did not understand what they had to do because some of them did not listen the instructions because they were very separated,and not all of them listened the intructions.

My case of study

Jonathan paaid attention, and developed the activities.  In all the activieties, he was able to do. What I have been noticied in him is that he understand, pays attention in the class but the problem is that he is shy but when he has to anwer or develop an activity he is able to do.

I like to see how he is progressing in each class, I consider that he is going to be able to particpate without feel embarrassed. 

Things to improve:

.To be sure that all of them listened the instructions.

.To be more  enthusiastic

. Make sure that all of the students are working.

. Think about the aims of each activity.

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