lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Class number 4


Vocabulary: Dog, cat, Snake, rabbit, turtle, bird.

Grammar:  Do you have a ... Yes, I do. No, I


I feel happy to see the progress of the kids, how they are learning and how they are able to answer things that are related with the topic studied before. Thefore, how they are able to sing the songs, I like to see their progress.

This was the time to teach for Raúl and Juan.

As in the classes before, the class started with the first song that it is the"warm up"

Next, Juan started to introduce the class by giving the students vocabulary about animals. He used a power presentation. Some kids about the name of the pets.

The kids also spelling the name of the pets.Therefore, kids could use the phrases" Yes, I do. No, I don´t. They had to use the phrases mentioned before to say whether or not they liked a pet.

Finally, it was the time for Raúl.

He developed the activity in which the kids had to maka groups. The activity was"the activity was the sharks are coming" when the kids listened that phrase they how to ask " how many and then made groups"

I think that this activity was good.However, Raúl should modeling more in order to understand better the activity and the kids did not feel like lost in the activity. Moreover, If he were modeling or provided them more examples,  he should not have been used the Spanish.

My case of Study

He could participate in the class by identifying the different name of the pets, he had a knowledge about the topic because when he had to participate he could develop the activities with no problem .

Things to improve:

1. Take into account the time for ecah activity.

2. modeling more each activity for avoiding speak in Spanish.

3. Being enthusiastic

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