lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Workshop day October 18.....


There are different techniques to teach to kids in which you can teach in a creative way and kids feel interesting and motivated in the topic.

In the work shop day we learnt 11 different techniques that I will show you now:

1- memory games

2- puppets

3- telling stories

4- modeling clay

5-recycling paper (pieces of color paper, news paper, magazines, old books)

6- songs/chants

7- spinning wheel

8- boxes

9-Disposable plates. 

10- name tags

11- crowns and hats

Those techiques will presented by my classmates and   me in order to share different ideas about how we can use those techniques with kids.

The  the first who presented the "memory games" technique was Iliana, She presented different ideas  how you can use the memory games such as, images in order to find the similar pairs, another idea is that you can write in a card a word and in the other the picture.The memory games help to kids to learn  differenttopics   such as, vocabulary, colors, animals, days of the week and other topics that the teachers can teach by using the the memory games in order to learn in an iteresting and funny way beacuse the work as a techer is fine  differerent techniques in which the students learn and they can involve in the activities.

To conclude: the memory game technique is very helpful for kids develop their memory and concentration when they develop the activity

Materials and Budget:

 colored papers...............$0.20

printed pictures.............$0.75 (could vary)
 tin plated cardboard.......$0.00 (could vary)

Boxes activity:

the boxes activity was developed by Gisselt Romero who present a interesting  idea how to teach a topic by using boxes.

 She presented as a topic for teaching "Pets" the activity was very funny to teach  because she put in the box a pet, it can be any pet and the activity was presenting as a practice in which the kids should throw a ball in the box according to what they listen. For example, I the teacher says " Dog" they should throw the wall in the box that it has the Dog.

 I consider, that the activity can present as a presentation  and production too. Therfore, you can use different topic to teach with boxes. For example, colors, numbers, food, clothes and other topics that they can be develop using boxes.

To use this activity, you will  not spend a lot of mony because you can find boxes in your house or itsome of your family or  some of your friends  can have .


This activity was developed by Luis

This is another funny way to tech to kids because

  you can teach the topic that you consider
appropiate with the class that you are teaching.

Topics that you can teach could be : colors,

 numbers, the alphabet fruits and others.
Don´t worry about the prices of the  puppets you

  can create your own puppets if you prefer, you

 can create finger puppets and sock puppets you

 can use the any material that you can have in

 your home, it is not neccessary spend much

 money to do the puppets, you can do with socks.

Spinning wheel: 

This was presented by Monica Pónce

she presented a very funny way to teach kids using the spinning wheel in order to review a topic that it was studied in the last class. 

The topics in order to make a review could be , colors, animals, friuts, food. Therefore, you can use the spinning wheel for an advanced level, too.

This activity will help the students to participate and learn in an interesting and funny way. 

 Telling stories

This activity was presented by Raúl

He use a very creative way to teach a story using  flipchart.

He used images in fipchart and when he was

 looking the images, he was telling the story.

The filpcharts are very interesting for kids

 because they have a lot of imagination and

 creativity. As a result, the flipchart is a good

 tool to teach kids.

 Name tags

This activity was presented by Ingrid

Most of  the time, we think that name tags can work only with the names of the students. However, Ingrid present this activity not only works the faces of each student but also using the vocabuly that it is teaching in the
 class.Therefore, inside of the tag, she use some images and some words that students shoul matching according to the vocabulary that they are developing in the class.

I liked how ingrid used the name tags in a different way in order to teach the vocabulary  


This activity was  developed  by Juan

Juan used the day of the week song in order internalize the vocabulary  study in the class.

Kids really love songs, they like to learn and review the topic by singing a song.

It is important to teachers to know about  different songs that  these can be use as a support with the topic beacuse sometimes students feel bored in the class and for them it is difficult to concentrted in the class, so if the teacher play a song according to the topic, students will learn better and it is going to be easier to them, learn the vocabulary.


This activity was presented by Abigail.

Making activities with  plates can be creative to teach because you are using different techniques  in order to catch the attention of the students and they feel motivated to learn by doing different activities that   they can consider useful for learning a topic.

In thw case of Abigail, she presented a very interesting idea how to teach with plates. She used a bag in which not only she used the bag in order to teach  the family´s bag but also she was able to use the vocabulary cloth with that activity.

There are different things that you can do with plates  for teaching a language . For example, you can teach the colors, animals or the time using a clock.

Modeling clay

This activity was presented by me ( Cristela 


This is a very funny way in which you can teach

 different topics for kids.

 There are different things to do with clay like

 animal, spelling, paint, clothes, numbers, family

 member, etc. 

This technique can be use as a warm -up,

 presentation and practice.

I did as a practice and my topic was "animals"

What I did was a" snail" the materials and the

 process are : 

For me was a very interesting way that I learnt  because I did not know that I can teach with clay. Therefore, I learnt how to do a snail because I did not know  how to do it.

Recycling materials

This actvity was presented by Juan Carlos.

He presented very interesting ideas how you can use your recycling materials that probably you think that you are not going to use again.However, JC presented some recycling


The materials that you need are: some recycling cans of soda, and  kind of pebbles, glue and something to decorate the can.

First you have to put the pebbles inside of the

 can soda, then you has to cover the top of the

 can with masking tape. Finally, you have to

 decorate with the  material that you have. Now,

 it is ready to shake it!!

This technique is very helpul to catch the 

attention of thestudents when they are distract or

 when they are bored you can sing a song and

 you use as an instrument the

Recycling shakers.


This was the las technique that it was developed

 by Gloria

I liked how she taught in simple way how to do


She recommended as topic some adjectives such

 as: happy, sad, angry. The purpose of that

 activity is that students creative their own hats

 according how they are like happy, sad, angry,

 etc.As a result, students will learn the adjectives

 in a funny way and they will not forget this


To conclude: All the techniques already

 mentioned before are very helpful to teach

 different topics in order  to be develop with kids

 in a different way, in a creative way in which all

 the kids participate 

1 comentario:

  1. Cristela, It's good to know that you got many ideas from your classmates. I hope you can use them in the future.
