lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Diagnosis class

Diagnosis class

After studied everything about theory, it is the time to teach and put in practice what we learnt about the theory. it is going to be a good experience in which I'm going to have the opportunity with my other peers Gisselt, Luis, Iliana, Ingrid to know about the kids who are going to be part of some classes.

Objective from the diagosis class:

To know about the kids that will form part of  some classes that will impart from the students of Don Bosco University who are taking Teaching Practicum  I

Activities to develop in the diagnosis class:

Luis used the activity "hot potatoe" 

Ileana used the activity:  "Saving my friend Peter"

Gisselt use the activity: "the balloons party"

I used the activity " telling a tale"

 Finally, Ingrid used the activity "wool web"

Results of the diagnosis class

  • The purpose of the diagnosis class was to know how much the kids knew about English. As a result, they knew some things in English. For example, the color, numbers, some adjectives like: angry, happy, sad. 
Knowing this helped us , to teach in the class that are going to develop each week because kids are not in zero level of English.

. The ages of the kids were between 6 to 9 years old. I thought that it was to be a little bit complicated to give them classes because not all of them can read or write. However, we learnt differents strategies to give them classes in order to participate all of them in the classes using kinesthetic, visual and auditory strategies.

We had ten minutes to develop each activity with the kids and fifty minutes in total. 

When the class finished, we gave the kids some snacks.

My case of study

His name is Jhonatan, he is 8 years old. he participated in the

  diagnosis class. However, we are going to know more

 about him later. 

To conclude:

This diagnosis class was very useful for us because we could identify the background knowgdled that the kid had in order to prepar our lesson planns and give them class.

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