lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Class number 2

At home

Vocabulary: Doll, teddy bear, car , bed, table.

Grammar: Where is the ...  It's on, under, in, behind. 

This class was very exciting because Gisselt , Monica and  I had the opportunity to show what we have been learning through our career.

We were at 11 am in order to decorate the classroom for kids were in a great enviroment.

all the activities were planning, every single detail. the time that we had to spend in each activity in order to cover our lesson plan.

Here is aour planning!!

Names of the Teachers: Gisselt Romero, Cristela Rubio and Monica Ponce __________Date:__september, 20th/2013________

Lesson:_________2______ Topic:__at home_______________ Vocabulary: _Doll, teddy bear, car , bed, table.____________

Objective of the lesson:
   By the end of the lesson,  SWBAT identify where some home objects are such as, doll, car, teddy bear, bed, and table using four prepositions of place (it’s on, under, in and behind) through many activities like: matching, drawing, answering questions and guided games, by the end of a ninety-minute lesson.. 

10 minutes

Warm up

The students will be greeted and asked “how are you today”. After listening to the students’ responses, they will be presented with a song called “how are you today”. Kids will listen to it two or three times. Then they will be required to sing the song without the music. Once the Sts show acquisition of the song they will sing it with the music one last time.
Aim of the activity: to break up the ice, and to clarify the question “how are you today” and how to answer to it.
Type of learner: auditory.
 Materials: projector, computer, and speakers
Responsible: Gisselt Romero

10 minutes
The students will be presented with a power presentation in which they will see things that everyone has at home. For example, dolls, TVs, teddy bears, etc. First, the teacher will point out to an specific object and will ask the students whether they know the corresponding word in English for that item, if they know it, the teacher will just correct some mispronunciations that may occur, and if they do not know the word; the teacher will say the word and will make the students repeat it. This repetition of words will be done three or four times. Then, the teacher will just point out to the things without saying the name so that the students can name the items without the teacher’s help. Finally, the teacher will point out whether the items presented are in, on, under or behind something. The teacher will make the students repeat the prepositions three or four times.
Aim of the activity:  to encounter the target vocabulary.
Type of learner: visual.
 Materials: projector and computer
Responsible: Gisselt Romero
10 minutes

The students will be presented with a chart in which the four prepositions will be written, and also it will contain some draws that represent every preposition. The teacher will explain the chart so that Sts can clarify the idea of prepositions already presented in the previous activity. Then, the students will be asked to stand up and take a pen or pencil and the teacher will distribute a little box to each kid. Next, the Sts will be asked to do as the teacher says. For example: the pen is on the box, and the students will have to put the pen on their boxes, then the teacher may say; the pen is under the box and the students will have to move the pen and put it under the boxes, and so on. This game will be done two or three times per prepositions with the chart still on on the board so that the Sts can be guided by it. Then, once the students show domain of the prepositions, the chart will be removed and they will have to perform the game without looking at the chart.
Aim of the activity: to clarify the target vocabulary already presented.
Type of learner: visual and kinesthetic.
 Materials: chart, boxes, pencils or pens.
Responsible: Gisselt Romero

5 minutes

10 minutes


5 min



All the students will be asked to stand up. They will be given a piece of folded paper with a picture of an object studied in the class. The students will have to open the paper in order to know which draw they have in it. The papers will have for example: a pen, a teddy bear, etc. students will have to look for the classmates that have the same pictures to make groups. This activity will make groups of three.
Aim of the activity: To internalize the four prepositions already presented and to practice the colors.
Type of learner: tactile
 Materials: worksheets, little balls of color, and glue
Responsible: Cristela Navarro

Each student will be given a worksheet in which they will have some pictures representing the four prepositions of place in matter, then, the teacher will hand out some spitballs with specific colors. Next, the teacher will say for example, fill the draw representing an object UNDER the box with the green spitballs, and the student will use the spitballs of the same color to fill that draw, then the teacher may say, use the red spitballs to fill the draw with the object IN the box, and so on, until filling the four pictures. Every picture should be filled with different spitballs colors.
Aim of the activity:  to practice the vocabulary studied, matching the objects and making groups.
Type of learner: visual
 Materials: pictures and scotch tape
Responsible: Cristela Navarro

The students will be asked to stand up and make a line. On the floor will be four lines in which at the top will have a drawing of the four prepositions of place studied during the class. The teacher will be standing up in front of the students, and she will tell a story. Every time the students listen to a sentence that has a preposition like: “THE CAT IS ON THE TABLE” each student should move to the line that represents the preposition” on”, and so on in this way, until the teacher finishes the story.

The teacher has Ss stand up and make a circle. They will select a little card that will be faced down. The cards will contain letters from the alphabet. The students will have to move to the letters they got which will be pasted on the floor. (five letters will pasted on the floor in a separately way from each other) Then, T asks Ss to sit down in the corresponding letter to work on the next task. This activity will create groups of three.
Aim of the activity: to recognize the target vocabulary in context
Type of learner: auditory and kinesthetic
 Materials: a big chart
Responsible: Cristela Navarro

Aim of the activity: To have students remember the letters of the alphabet seen in the previous class.
Type of learner: visual and kinesthetic
Materials: Alphabet into cards, Alphabet on the floor Responsible: Mónica Ponce

10 minutes

T provides a worksheet to look at it. First, they will look at the picture to pay attention where the toys and classroom items are. Then, the teacher will Invite one or two volunteers to name one of the objects that are presented in the picture. Next, the T shows the initial question “Where is the…?” For example, “the pen”. T will paste the picture of a pen on the board, and repeats the question with a clear intonation: “Where is the pen?” to show that it is a question and she is waiting for an answer, then the teacher will ask to another student, “where is the book?” Notice that the student will probably know but they do not know how to say the answer in English. Elicit his/her answer (Use L1 if it is necessary). Let them know that we can say “It is + the preposition of place+ table, bed, etc” by using a chart. Now, T models that the book is (on, under, behind) the (bed). Finally, the teacher will encourage many students to answer. Do the same above twice with a different S from different groups. T monitors around them.
Aim of the activity: To use at least three of the preposition of place to localize where the things are.
Type of learner: visual, and auditory
Materials: worksheet, paper (in colors), board, cards Responsible: Mónica Ponce
10 min
T asks Ss to stand up to select a number from 1 to 20 to discover what color is at the back. They will quickly say to the teacher what color is in order to select the correct circle to be pasted on the floor in line. They will stand in two lines (the orange team and the green team). T will say a sentence, for, example, the doll is on the bed, the first S that is in front of the lines will be ready to take the doll and run to the correct place to place it, in order to get points. In teams, they will take quickly a toy that will be on the floor to put them in the correct places. After their participation Ss will go to the back of their corresponding teams. T checks every work that they have performed.
Aim of the activity: To elicit whether the vocabulary and the target grammar has been acquired.
Type of learner: kinesthetic
Materials: cards. Toys on the floor.
Responsible: Mónica Ponce
5 minutes
Invite Ss to name the letters of the alphabet that will be shown by the teacher. T shows them some cards which contains the alphabet to encourage them to call the letter they see. T invites Ss to go through the letter that the Teacher will mention. Have them stand in groups where the alphabet is to sing the goodbye song..
Aim of the activity: To wrap up the alphabet and recognize that it is time to say good bye.
Type of learner: Auditory
Materials: cards with the alphabet.
Responsible: Mónica Ponce
Assignments and announcements

When the kids came to the class they were happy for the decoration in the classroom and some of them said" it is beautiful" that made me felt happy. 
At 1:15 the class started, Gisselt started with a beuatiful  song. She was in charge of the presentation , I was in charge of the practice and Monika developed.

When Gisselt taught the kids the song they were happy to see in a power presentation their faces changed totally.then, she tuagh them some prepositions of places" under, on, behind and in". The kids practice a lot by doing some activities that she developed with them.

Then was my trurn in the practice in whichthe kids had tu put in practice what they learnt in the presentation. I made an activity in which the kid shad to use spitballs of different colors in order to put the spitballs in some draws that were representening the four prepositions of place: on, under, in, and behind. The aim of this activity was that kids practice the vocabulary studied, and matching the objects with different colors.

Then, I told them a story in which I used the prepositions mentioned above. This was a run activity. On the floor were some charts that represent each preposition of place. When they lisntened a preposition they had to run and look for the preposition that I metioned. The aim of the activity was that the kids  recognized the target vocabulary in context.
Then, Monica continued with the class.

Monica did an activity in which kids had to remember the letters of  the alphabet. Then, the kids develop another activity in which they the kids had to use at least three of the preposition of place to localize where the things were.

My case of study

In this class he were a little  bit shy. However, he developed all the activities maybe with some troubles because he does not like to participate a lot. Nevertheless, when We developed the activities he was able to do.
He is able to follow instruction, he is able to do all the activities, maybe not faster but he is able to do without any problem. the problem with him is that he is shy, he feels like  embarrassed when he has to do an activity, probably because he do not want to make a mistake or that the other kids laugh of him.

I think that he has been improbing since the first class because now he can get easier the ideas about what he had to do.

I will continue keeping an eye on him  in order to know if he is able to overcome that problem.

Things to improve:

. Pronunciation


. Time for each activity 

1 comentario:

  1. Cristela, I would like to know whether you consider the obectives of the lesson were achieved or not?
