lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Class Number 5

My body

This was the last class of this period.

Teachers: Iliana, Juan Carlos

Vocabulary: Mouth, nose, tooth, teeth, eyes, ears, hands, feet, foot

Iliana started the class by singing the song as in the classes before.

In grammar form she used  Do you have a ... Yes, I do. No, I don't

Then she made the activity in which students 

had to look for a letter that was in a ball in

 order to put it in other place. She also asked

 them, about the colors, about the topic studied 

before "the family"

Next, she made the activity in which students

 had to put the body parts in the correct place

 of the body.

Finally, it was the time for Juan Carlos.

He continue the class with the game " roll the dice" so here the students should identify the color and also the number that they had in the dice to take a picture that was in a piece of paper.

Then, he developed the next activity about"Simon says" in which they had to do what simon says like touch their nose.

Finally, he did the last activity. It was the song in which students danced and listened the part of the body and move the parts of the body. The kids were very happy with the song, they dance and moved the parts of the body that they learnt.

My case of Study

He really surprised me becasue he participated in all the activities without felt embarrassed, he denced, he touched his parts of the body. For example, his nose, eyes and he also was able to answers the questions.

I liked the way that he is improving because each class he has something new .

Things to Improve:

. Use the correct pronunciation of the words.

.Take into account the time of ecah activity.

Being more independent for their own activities to develop.

.Tone of the voice

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