lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Week 16, November 15th

Teachers:Ingrid and Mercy

Topic:Food and drinks

Vocabulary:Donuts, vegetables, candy, soda, water, fruit, cereal, hamburger, pizza.

Grammar:Is it good for you? Is it bad for you? Yes, it is. No, it is not.

Review:Numbers, colors, alphabet.

The class started with teacher Ingrid who song the " how are you today?"  the kids really enjoyed the song.

In order to get the attention of the kids Ingrid used a puppet "TOTI" and kids were interesting in the class and they paid attention. Moreover, the  Ingrid taught the vocabulary to kids using a TOTI as strategy to teach, I think that it was a great technique for teaching and get the attention of the kids.

Another thing hat it is interesting to me, it is that Ingrid work in the grammar part with kids by asking them " It is good or bad for you?  using the secreat box  in order to get the attention of the kids. I consider that with that activity kids felt inspired to participate.

Then, It was the turned for Abigail who started the class by asking the kids whether the driks are bad  for the health or not. After that, Abigail, made groups in order to work in a puzzle. As a result, kids worked in order to formed a pictured related to the vocabulary, and then, kids had to answered questions.

After that, kids checked a lipleting the missing letter. Then, kids made the activity in which they had to go to the supermarket and  got the picture that  was related to the vocabulary  and finally, they had to put in the bag.

I think that this activity was  very useful for kids because they not only learnt the vocabulary but also  they felt motivated to participate in order to do the activity. 

My case of study

I consider that Jonathan has been

  improving a lot beacuse he tries to do

 the thing with no problem, and he tries

 to be sure about the activities that he

 will develop. Therefore, I consider that

 Jonathan likes to participate in the

 classes even though he is not totally sure

 about he is going to do.

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