lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Assessing kids

Assessing kids

I think that a good way to assess the kids is  first,

 know the level that kids have in order to know

 what stragies I can use in order to assess the kids

 because I consider that a good the teacher is not

 who ask many question or many ativities to kids,

 a good teacher is who knows the level of the kids

 in order to know which activities he/she can use 

with kids. 

I consider that one of the techniques that I can

 use with the kis is the " Role play" the important

 things is to kow how much students know in 

order to the the role play according with the level

 of the kids.

 learn and participate in the activity thet it will

 be develop , and kids will enjoy the activity, they

 can learn vocabulary in the role paly, colors,

 numbers, etc. it id depend about what things the

 teacher will do the role play. Therefore, 

this game is very helpful because it will help to

this game is very helpful because it will help to

 kids to situations in real life, they can laern

 kids to situations in real life, they can laern

number, and vocabulary.

"Children love games and  when they have fun,

 children forget  that they are practising English

 and are just happy to play"

One of the role play game  is  the "café game".


Assessment of Young Learners
by Kassim Shaaban

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Cristela,

    Thank you for sharing that very useful link. Personally, I have done the draw a monster and the fashion show activity and I can assure you that my students enjoyed learning through those games. Regarding your assessment idea, I think role plays are the best to assess children. Nevertheles, the child in the video must be a native of the language (English) and our group are EFL learners that have one lesson per week. Do you think a role play would be accurate enough to meassure the knowledge they have gotten so far?
