lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Assessing kids

Assessing kids

I think that a good way to assess the kids is  first,

 know the level that kids have in order to know

 what stragies I can use in order to assess the kids

 because I consider that a good the teacher is not

 who ask many question or many ativities to kids,

 a good teacher is who knows the level of the kids

 in order to know which activities he/she can use 

with kids. 

I consider that one of the techniques that I can

 use with the kis is the " Role play" the important

 things is to kow how much students know in 

order to the the role play according with the level

 of the kids.

 learn and participate in the activity thet it will

 be develop , and kids will enjoy the activity, they

 can learn vocabulary in the role paly, colors,

 numbers, etc. it id depend about what things the

 teacher will do the role play. Therefore, 

this game is very helpful because it will help to

this game is very helpful because it will help to

 kids to situations in real life, they can laern

 kids to situations in real life, they can laern

number, and vocabulary.

"Children love games and  when they have fun,

 children forget  that they are practising English

 and are just happy to play"

One of the role play game  is  the "café game".


Assessment of Young Learners
by Kassim Shaaban

Week 16, November 15th

Teachers:Ingrid and Mercy

Topic:Food and drinks

Vocabulary:Donuts, vegetables, candy, soda, water, fruit, cereal, hamburger, pizza.

Grammar:Is it good for you? Is it bad for you? Yes, it is. No, it is not.

Review:Numbers, colors, alphabet.

The class started with teacher Ingrid who song the " how are you today?"  the kids really enjoyed the song.

In order to get the attention of the kids Ingrid used a puppet "TOTI" and kids were interesting in the class and they paid attention. Moreover, the  Ingrid taught the vocabulary to kids using a TOTI as strategy to teach, I think that it was a great technique for teaching and get the attention of the kids.

Another thing hat it is interesting to me, it is that Ingrid work in the grammar part with kids by asking them " It is good or bad for you?  using the secreat box  in order to get the attention of the kids. I consider that with that activity kids felt inspired to participate.

Then, It was the turned for Abigail who started the class by asking the kids whether the driks are bad  for the health or not. After that, Abigail, made groups in order to work in a puzzle. As a result, kids worked in order to formed a pictured related to the vocabulary, and then, kids had to answered questions.

After that, kids checked a lipleting the missing letter. Then, kids made the activity in which they had to go to the supermarket and  got the picture that  was related to the vocabulary  and finally, they had to put in the bag.

I think that this activity was  very useful for kids because they not only learnt the vocabulary but also  they felt motivated to participate in order to do the activity. 

My case of study

I consider that Jonathan has been

  improving a lot beacuse he tries to do

 the thing with no problem, and he tries

 to be sure about the activities that he

 will develop. Therefore, I consider that

 Jonathan likes to participate in the

 classes even though he is not totally sure

 about he is going to do.

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Week 15 November 8th

Topic: Actions

Teachers:  Raul,  and Juan José

Vocabulary:Swim, run, jump, fly, climb, eat, drink, drive.

Grammar:I can/can’t , she can/can’t, he can /can’t , it can/can’t

Review:Animals, family members, alphabet.

Raúl started the class with the song " how are

 you today?" they really knew the song because

 they really internalized the song. Therefore, at

 the moment to sing the song, it was helpful to

 them all the movements that Raúl did when they

 were singing the song.

I think that it was helpful for kids to review what

 they have been studying during the previous

 classes. In addition,  all the kids were able to

 reconize their names  in the sheet of paper pasted

 on the board the instructions were clear

 beacuse Raúl was able to model them for kids

 had a better idea what they had to do. I think

 that all the kids enjoyed that activity. 

Another interesting activity that Raúl developed

 was in which kids had to do two lines , and the

 two students of the top had to take a hoop, run

, and look for the action that Raúl said. I think

 that the kids spent a good time doing this

 activity, and they felt happy when they got the 


Finally, it was the turned for  Juan in which he

 used a variation of the spinning wheel technique. 
In this activity, in which the kids had to choose a 

paper, look at the picture in its back,go to the 

front of their partners and finally,say what it was 

and paste on the wall. 

I  consider that this activity was useful for kids in

 which all of them participaed and developed the

 activity because. Moreover, If kids did not know,

 Juan tried to help them.

Finally, the other activity that Juan developed in

 which kids had to put the 
hats on the head

according with the action that Juan said, 
 I think

 that it was a very good activity that all the kids

 enjoyed beacsue the kids had to pass and pass

 the hat  while they  to music.In addition, when

the music stop, they had tochoose the word and 

say the name of the action , the letters of the 

words. Moreover, they put in practice the colors

 of the papers.

I think that Raúl and Juan did a very good job,

 they improved a lot.

My case of study

In this class Jonathan " my case of study" he

 participate in the whole class when he had to

 participate, he is not shy anymore, he is able to

 develop the activies in each class without feel 

embarrassed because in each class my classmates

 look for a way in which all the kids participate


 in the class in a funny way.s

Papalia, D., et al. A child's world. pp. 239-290.

 Mc Graw Hill. USA, 2006 

Week 14,November 1st

              Topic: Clothes

Teachers: Luis and Gloria

Vocabulary: Jeans, shorts, dress, blouse, skirts, t-shirt, socks, shoes, glasses, hat, cup, sweater.

Grammar:I am wearing, she is wearing, and he

 is wearing.

Whose _____is this? Whose _______are these?

The class started on time, the teacher Gloria

 started with a warm up in which kids had the

 opportunity to talk about their feelings "happy,

 sad ". Then, the kids sang the song" How are

 you today? ". It was nice to see how children

 enjoy singing everytime the song, they really

 like to sing that song, and they really know the

 lyric of the song because they have been 

singing in every class.

After doing this activity, the kids were presented

 by some  items of cloths. For example,Jeans,

 shorts, dress, blouse, skirts, t-shirt, socks, shoes,

 glasses, hat, cup, sweater. Not only Gloria

 presented the items of cloths in some cards but

 also she presented real cloth for kids can

 understand better the names of the clothes. I

 consider that it was very useful because kids

 learnt in a good way the names of the clothes 

 and they put in practice with some real clothes. 

Then, it was the turned to Luis, he presented an

 interesting memory game that all the kids

 participated. In addition, the memory game was

 well designed in order to put in practice

 numbers, colors and the principle purpose of the


 game the "item clothes"

I conside that Luis and Gloria did a very good job

 because they were very sure about the topuc and

 the activities that they developed. Therefore, they

 had control in the class. 


As I said in the other blogs that Jonathan has been improving a lot. In this class, he participated

 in all the activities with no problem, he was able to participate in the memory game and he guessed some pairs. He was happy doing the activities.

Papalia, D., et al. A child's world. pp. 239-290. 

Mc Graw Hill. USA, 2006