viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

The main behavioral and cognitive difference between boys and girls (middle childhood)

There are many cognitive differences between boys and girls since they born. All of the people can distinguis a boy and a girl in the physical apperiance because they wear different cloth and different things that help to distinguish them. However, Have you ever thought that if boys and girls think in the same way or Have you ever thought who of them are more intelligent? It is known that boy are late talkative tan girls and the childhood because most of the time girls begin to talk more early tan boys. Therefore, at the momento to talk boys use more limitated vocabulary. In the other hand, girls express more their feelings and emotions  when they talk, they are not embarrass when they talk because they are easy to have a conversation with others.

Behavioral  Differences
 1. boys are less talkative then girls
2.girls tend to have the academic advantage over boys during the school years
3.Boys have difficulty focusing on one task for very long, but continue to outperform girls with visual tasks -- perhaps one of the reasons that boys enjoy video games -- a gap which continues to widen through the year.
4.Girls in their middle years prefer to socialize with other girls who have similar personalities, and much.

Cognitive difference
Girls can understand  in a faster way tan boys
  because girls use both side of their brain 
not like  boys that it consider that at the moment to do something they only use one side of the brain that is why girls are more faster to understand. However, I kow a bout some little cases in childhood that not only gils are able to understand in a faster way but also boys. They have the ability to undertand what their parents or the teacher say and they are able to develop what other say


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