viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Gross and fine motor skills that children develop during early and Middle childhood

Gross motor skills involve the use of large bodily movements, and fine motor skills involve the use of small bodily movements. Both gross and fine motor skills continue to refine during middle childhood.

In this age children like to do manmy activities like jumping, dancing, playing with a ball, etc. All those activities already mentiones help them to become faster, stronger and to have better coordination.

Gross motor skills

3 to 4 years old: 

1. Jum

2. hop

3. peddle

4. walks on line

5. throws ball overhead

4 to 5 years old:

  • walks backward toe-heel
  • jumps forward 10 times without falling
  • walks up and down stair independently, alternating feet
  • turns somersault

Approximately Bewteen 5 and 6:

  • runs lightly on toes
  • walks on balance beam
  • can cover 2 meters hopping
  • skips on alternating feet
  • jumps rope
Fine motor skills

3 to 4 years old: 
  • builds tower of nine small blocks
  • drives nails and pegs
  • copies circle
  • manipulates clay material (rolls balls, snakes,cookies)

4 to 5 years old:

  • cuts on line continuously
  • copies cross
  • copies square
  • prints some capital letters

Approximately Bewteen 5 and 6:

  • cuts out simple shapes
  • copies triangle
  • traces diamond
  • copies first name
  • prints numerals 1 to 5
  • colors within lines
  • has adult grasp of pencil
  • had handedness well established (right handed or left handed)
  • pastes and glues appropriately

It is  importan that during the early and middle childhood parents teach their children how to dvelop their gross and fine motor skills because if the parents want that their child star to draw, the parents can teach in the way that the child has to do because child learn by image and imitating the people who are around them.

The gross and fine skills are very important in childhood because those skills are the way that childs develop or adquire skills like run, write, jump, etc.


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