jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

The different stages of the childhood

Stages of the Childhood

The different stages of the childhood are: Toddlerhood, Early Childhood and Middle childhood. Those stages are very important because in each stage child show different abilities to develop. For example in the physical, concrete and and phychosocial develoment that he/ she is in.

  • Toddlerhood (1-3)

Physical Develoment 

In the physical develoment there are two  aspects that we have to consider . For example, the Gross and fine motor skills.

First, we know that the Gross motor is refer all the movements that childs do. For example, move their legs, jumping, dancing, and able to throw an object like a ball.

Second, the Fine motor develoment is when childs use their small muscles to develop activities. For example, Writing, cutting and manipulate some objects that for childs can be familiar.

  • Cognitive Develoment
It is refer how childs think. Such as, Learning, understanding, problem solving, memorizing, etc.

Some examples of the activities in cognitive develoment that childs can do are:
1. Matches an object to a picture

2.  Matches and sorts objects by one property (shape, color).

First, Jean Piaget theory,(aged of two) child are able to undertand everything around them by mimics, image and word that the people around them use in order to understand. For example, if a mother tells her child do not do that and she moves her head because she hope that the child understand that he/she do not have to do that because it is wrong.

According with vigotsky’s theory, the cognitive 

develoment happen when childs interact with others 

childs. Like the example before that child work together

 in order to solve a problem. As a result, the cognitive 

develop occurs with the interaction.

I consider that both theories mentioned before are right 

because we know that child leran when they interact 

with others childs and also they learn by imitating. 

Therefore, childs are able to understand what other 

people say. For example, My daugther, she is one year 

old and when I ask her for the ball, she starts looking for 

the ball and whe she has the ball she starts to playing 

with it.

  • Psychosocial development
It is refer how childs are in their 

enviromet. It is thought that in toddlerhood

most of the chlid do not like to share their
toys with other kids. Nevertheless, not all

 of the childs are egocentrist in this age.


Physical Develoment

Childs are able to have balance themself, 

they are able to run, walk, drawing and 


Cognitive develoment

  • Childs are able to understad good and 

  • Develop friedship with other kids 

    • Compare themselves to other children and adults

Psychosocial development:

According with Erick Erickson  in this age (

 Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt)

" Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too much power experience disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt".

According with his theory  child has to think in his goals ang take their own control of what happed around them without the help of their parents. However, I do not agree because I think that child can think  about goals and thay can do whatever they want. Nevertheless, I think that childs have to have the help of their parents because they are childs, they are not adult, they can not do everything that they want because they have to be supervise by their parents.

Middle childhood (6-9 years old)

Physical develoment: 
In this age Gross motor abilities improve a lot childs can 
 Skip, stop and change directions while running and throw a ball with increased accuracy. Therefore, they can run, jumping 

 Cognitive Develoment:

According with Piaget childs are able to understand and 

conserve a number .

 ·    Show rapid development of mental skills.
·Learn better ways to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings.
·         Have less focus on one’s self and more concern for others.

In Conclusion:  the three stages of the childhood are very important in the  develop on the childs, they are going to dvelop defferent skills with the time that these skills are going to help to the childs tolearn more about the world and the thing around them.


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