viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Attention Deficit Disorder  (ADD)

Most of the time we forget many things in the day. For example, take a shower, go to the supermarker, do the homework or take your pills. Those things can happen not only and adults but also in childs. Childs  can have daydream during class and act without think.That happend because the have  Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder

"The signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD typically appear before the age of seven. However, it can be difficult to distinguish between attention deficit disorder and normal “kid behavior.”

So in the before the age of seven you can identify if a child has symtoms of ADD/ADHD. Nevertheless, it is very difficul to identify because childs are hyteractive and do many things that you can probably think that they have symtoms of ADD/ADHD . These kids that have ADD cam be sometimes lazy and undiciplined.That is why they forget to do their homework and they can feel angry about everything that happed around them.

"Some children with ADD/ADHD are hyperactive, but many others with attention problems are not. Children with ADD/ADHD who are inattentive, but not overly active, may appear to be spacey and unmotivated".However, child with Attention defficit dissorder they try to concetrate in  the activities that they like or enjoy but no matter how they try to concentrate they are not able to do it because they have trouble focusing .Therefore, they try to do their best but they still having problems in paying attention in the class.

Children with ADD/ADHD may be:
  • Inattentive, but not hyperactive or impulsive.
  • Hyperactive and impulsive, but able to pay attention.
  • Inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive (the most common form of ADD/ADHD).

Symptoms of inattention in children:

  • Doesn’t pay attention to details
  • Makes careless mistakes
  • Has trouble staying focused; is easily distracted
  • Appears not to listen when spoken to
  • Has difficulty remembering things and following instructions
  • Has trouble staying organized, planning ahead, and finishing projects
  • Gets bored with a task before it’s completed
  • Frequently loses or misplaces homework, books, toys, or other items

Hyperactive signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD

The most obvious sign of ADD/ADHD is hyperactivity. While many children are naturally quite active, kids with hyperactive symptoms of attention deficit disorder are always moving.
They may try to do several things at once, bouncing around from one activity to the next. Even when forced to sit still which can be very difficult for them their foot is tapping, their leg is shaking, or their fingers are drumming.

Symptoms of hyperactivity in children:

  • Constantly fidgets and squirms
  • Often leaves his or her seat in situations where sitting quietly is expected
  • Moves around constantly, often runs or climbs inappropriately
  • Talks excessively
  • Has difficulty playing quietly or relaxing
  • Is always “on the go,” as if driven by a motor
  • May have a quick temper or a “short fuse”

Now that we know  about Attention Deficit Disorder  (ADD)  as teacher and probably some of us parents we have to pay attention to the behavior of the children because they can have symptoms of  Attention Deficit Disorder  (ADD). We have to be patient with this kids because they try to the best in everything that they try but they are not able to do.


The main behavioral and cognitive difference between boys and girls (middle childhood)

There are many cognitive differences between boys and girls since they born. All of the people can distinguis a boy and a girl in the physical apperiance because they wear different cloth and different things that help to distinguish them. However, Have you ever thought that if boys and girls think in the same way or Have you ever thought who of them are more intelligent? It is known that boy are late talkative tan girls and the childhood because most of the time girls begin to talk more early tan boys. Therefore, at the momento to talk boys use more limitated vocabulary. In the other hand, girls express more their feelings and emotions  when they talk, they are not embarrass when they talk because they are easy to have a conversation with others.

Behavioral  Differences
 1. boys are less talkative then girls
2.girls tend to have the academic advantage over boys during the school years
3.Boys have difficulty focusing on one task for very long, but continue to outperform girls with visual tasks -- perhaps one of the reasons that boys enjoy video games -- a gap which continues to widen through the year.
4.Girls in their middle years prefer to socialize with other girls who have similar personalities, and much.

Cognitive difference
Girls can understand  in a faster way tan boys
  because girls use both side of their brain 
not like  boys that it consider that at the moment to do something they only use one side of the brain that is why girls are more faster to understand. However, I kow a bout some little cases in childhood that not only gils are able to understand in a faster way but also boys. They have the ability to undertand what their parents or the teacher say and they are able to develop what other say


My case of study video

In teaching practicum I we learnt the different stages of the childhood( Toddlerhoo, early childhood and middle childhood). Therefore, in this three stages there are some areas that we had to be focus( physical , cognitive and physhocial develomet. 

After undertand the different stages we had to put  in practice what we understood about the three stages of the childhood, so we had to proccess all the information about them and make a video with childs of the different stages. For example, one of the toddlerhood, one of the early childhood  and other of the middle childhood.


              Ashley Cristela ...................  1 year old

Early childhood 
Josseline Abigail    ..............................  5 years old

Middle childhood
Iliana Abigail............................... 7 years old

Before to star doing the video I had to colect the information learnt in the class about the different stages in childhood with their respectives areas( physical, cognitive and psychosocial develoment that they were in.) for this information I looked on internet  and also the chapter studied in the class " Physical develoment in Early childhood" in order to have a clear idea about each stage.

Then, I looked for the kids according with the age of each stage.As a result, I did the video with the whole information that I had learnt and understood about the three different stages of the childhood.
 I analized when child  at a time in order to know their specif abilities in the three areas like in the cognitive,physical develoment and psychosocial.
After I had done my case of video I editated it.


Ashely Cristela.......................1 year old

Physical Develoment

Physical development refers to both gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor development involves using the body’s large muscles Children develop physical awareness by using large muscles when crawling, walking, jumping, climbing, sliding, and throwing a ball. They gain self-confidence and a sense of control by using these skills.

According with Ashely she was able to walk without any support, throw a ball, playing with teir favirites toys ect.
Cognitive Develoment

Cognitive development refers to thinking skills, such as learning, understanding, problem solving, reasoning, memorizing, and attending. Developmental specialists look at how children apply learned concepts to everyday situations. Children develop cognitive skills by learning about causes and effects in everyday activities and similarities and differences in things around them. Thinking skills help make all experiences more meaningful to children.
she was able to understand what I said . For example, when I ask her abouth the ball she started to look for the ball and then, we she had the ball she look at me like if she wanted to say " here is the ball" when  she had the ball she started to played with the ball. As a result, she can understand what other people said and also she can reconize the things that there are in her house like some objects, the TV, the name of her favorite toy. Therefore, she also can imitate her mother or other people.  For example, when she sees someone dancing, she starts dancing.

Ashely showed anability to comunicate with other because she has an understending speech. However, she is able to pronounces some words like: Agua, ma-ma, pa-pa, hola, and she can move her hand to say bye. Even though she shows an understanding speech but she can pronounce the words mentioned before. Therefore, she can reconize when someone asks her something because she shows with actions and facial expresion that she understand what others say.

Psychosocial development

In this aged is believe that childs are selfish because they do not like to share their toys. However, according with Ashley, she did not show any problem to share her toys, probably because she is only 1 year and she can not realize yet about sharing toys and things like those. However, even though she is only want year old, she likes to be around other child even though she is not able to playing with them but she likes to be next to them. 

Early Childhood
Josseline Abigail    ..............................  5 years old

Physical develoment
In this age child are able to do many physical activities like run,jump,balance and coordination. 
According with Josseline she was able to develop physical activities like throw a ball, dance, run and jum. As a result, her physical develoment was well develop according with her age.

Cognitive Development

In this area childs have to understand the different colors, categorize things, they can draw simple stick figures and copy shapes. Such as, circles, squares and large letters.

Josseline was able to do some activities in order to know if the cognitive development was well develop.
Some activities that she did were. For example, she was able to write her name in a piece of paper, she was able to draw. Therefore, she was able to follow directions. For example, when I asked her if she could write her name and she said "Yes", so I told her that if she could write her name in a piece of paper and she clear understand what I asked her.
Her cognitive develop was well develop according what I read( Jean piaget) 

Psychosocial development

In this area is when childs beging understand their own emotions and they can perceive how others feel. Therefore,child develop friendship with other kids. Also , they love competitive games.
According with Josseline she was able to show friendship with my baby and with me because it was the first time thet she talk with me because I had never talked with her before. However, she was able to develop all the activities for my case of video.

Middle Chilhood 

Iliana Abigail............................... 7 years old

Physical Develoment

Childs are able to skip,stop and change directions while running, jumping and climbing.
Abigail was able to run, and jump. her Physical develop was well develop according with the activities that she did.

Cognitive Development

"Conservation of number develops soon after this. Piaget set out a row of counters in front of the child and asked her/him to make another row the same as the first one.  Piaget spread out his row of counters and asked the child if there were still the same number of counters.  Most children aged seven could answer this correctly, and Piaget concluded that this showed that by seven years of age children were able to conserve number".

According with the theory of Piaget, Abigail was able to conserve a number with a "conservation of number deveolp  activity that she did in the video"  she answered in a correct way everything that I asked her because she is able to undesrtand more about  things that happen around her.Therefore, she is able to start thinking about the future and her goals and she pays more attention to friendships and  team work. So that is good.

Psychosocial development

child can understand emotions about the people who are around them, they can know  whether a person is agry or not. Therefore, childs   Want to be liked and accepted by friends.

To conclude: everything studied about childs in this period are totally true with Salvadorean kids. All the theories are true ( Jean Piaget, Lev Vygoski and Erick Erickson).Starting wiyh the physican develoment the three child in my case video weere able to do the activities related with physical develoment. Second, in the cognitive develoment, these three childs were able to do and understand the thing relate to this area according with their age. Finally, in the Psychosocial development, these three childs were exactly about the information of the theories about their emotion, sharing toys and percieve the feelings of the other people.
With this case of study I learnt a lot because I put in practice what I had read about the three different stages of the childhood.
Well here you are my case of video!! Enjoy it  =) 

Gross and fine motor skills that children develop during early and Middle childhood

Gross motor skills involve the use of large bodily movements, and fine motor skills involve the use of small bodily movements. Both gross and fine motor skills continue to refine during middle childhood.

In this age children like to do manmy activities like jumping, dancing, playing with a ball, etc. All those activities already mentiones help them to become faster, stronger and to have better coordination.

Gross motor skills

3 to 4 years old: 

1. Jum

2. hop

3. peddle

4. walks on line

5. throws ball overhead

4 to 5 years old:

  • walks backward toe-heel
  • jumps forward 10 times without falling
  • walks up and down stair independently, alternating feet
  • turns somersault

Approximately Bewteen 5 and 6:

  • runs lightly on toes
  • walks on balance beam
  • can cover 2 meters hopping
  • skips on alternating feet
  • jumps rope
Fine motor skills

3 to 4 years old: 
  • builds tower of nine small blocks
  • drives nails and pegs
  • copies circle
  • manipulates clay material (rolls balls, snakes,cookies)

4 to 5 years old:

  • cuts on line continuously
  • copies cross
  • copies square
  • prints some capital letters

Approximately Bewteen 5 and 6:

  • cuts out simple shapes
  • copies triangle
  • traces diamond
  • copies first name
  • prints numerals 1 to 5
  • colors within lines
  • has adult grasp of pencil
  • had handedness well established (right handed or left handed)
  • pastes and glues appropriately

It is  importan that during the early and middle childhood parents teach their children how to dvelop their gross and fine motor skills because if the parents want that their child star to draw, the parents can teach in the way that the child has to do because child learn by image and imitating the people who are around them.

The gross and fine skills are very important in childhood because those skills are the way that childs develop or adquire skills like run, write, jump, etc.


jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

The different stages of the childhood

Stages of the Childhood

The different stages of the childhood are: Toddlerhood, Early Childhood and Middle childhood. Those stages are very important because in each stage child show different abilities to develop. For example in the physical, concrete and and phychosocial develoment that he/ she is in.

  • Toddlerhood (1-3)

Physical Develoment 

In the physical develoment there are two  aspects that we have to consider . For example, the Gross and fine motor skills.

First, we know that the Gross motor is refer all the movements that childs do. For example, move their legs, jumping, dancing, and able to throw an object like a ball.

Second, the Fine motor develoment is when childs use their small muscles to develop activities. For example, Writing, cutting and manipulate some objects that for childs can be familiar.

  • Cognitive Develoment
It is refer how childs think. Such as, Learning, understanding, problem solving, memorizing, etc.

Some examples of the activities in cognitive develoment that childs can do are:
1. Matches an object to a picture

2.  Matches and sorts objects by one property (shape, color).

First, Jean Piaget theory,(aged of two) child are able to undertand everything around them by mimics, image and word that the people around them use in order to understand. For example, if a mother tells her child do not do that and she moves her head because she hope that the child understand that he/she do not have to do that because it is wrong.

According with vigotsky’s theory, the cognitive 

develoment happen when childs interact with others 

childs. Like the example before that child work together

 in order to solve a problem. As a result, the cognitive 

develop occurs with the interaction.

I consider that both theories mentioned before are right 

because we know that child leran when they interact 

with others childs and also they learn by imitating. 

Therefore, childs are able to understand what other 

people say. For example, My daugther, she is one year 

old and when I ask her for the ball, she starts looking for 

the ball and whe she has the ball she starts to playing 

with it.

  • Psychosocial development
It is refer how childs are in their 

enviromet. It is thought that in toddlerhood

most of the chlid do not like to share their
toys with other kids. Nevertheless, not all

 of the childs are egocentrist in this age.


Physical Develoment

Childs are able to have balance themself, 

they are able to run, walk, drawing and 


Cognitive develoment

  • Childs are able to understad good and 

  • Develop friedship with other kids 

    • Compare themselves to other children and adults

Psychosocial development:

According with Erick Erickson  in this age (

 Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt)

" Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too much power experience disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt".

According with his theory  child has to think in his goals ang take their own control of what happed around them without the help of their parents. However, I do not agree because I think that child can think  about goals and thay can do whatever they want. Nevertheless, I think that childs have to have the help of their parents because they are childs, they are not adult, they can not do everything that they want because they have to be supervise by their parents.

Middle childhood (6-9 years old)

Physical develoment: 
In this age Gross motor abilities improve a lot childs can 
 Skip, stop and change directions while running and throw a ball with increased accuracy. Therefore, they can run, jumping 

 Cognitive Develoment:

According with Piaget childs are able to understand and 

conserve a number .

 ·    Show rapid development of mental skills.
·Learn better ways to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings.
·         Have less focus on one’s self and more concern for others.

In Conclusion:  the three stages of the childhood are very important in the  develop on the childs, they are going to dvelop defferent skills with the time that these skills are going to help to the childs tolearn more about the world and the thing around them.
